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First To Know® Syphilis Test

$ 29.0

Test for syphilis at home with the First To Know® Syphilis Test

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause serious health problems, and has been resurging at an alarming rate.¹ The First To Know® Syphilis Test offers a simple and fast way to test for syphilis, providing accurate in-home results in as little as 15 minutes.  

Be the First to Know. Order a syphilis test today. 


Note: This is an at-home test from NOW Diagnostics. Labcorp does not provide laboratory testing services for this product. Your test results will not be shared with or available from Labcorp, and physician services and fees do not apply to this offering. 

First To Know® Syphilis Test
$ 29.0

Test Details

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Sample Type: Blood
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Collection Method: Home collection. Same day results
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Age: 18+
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Results: Same day at home (within 15 minutes)
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HSA/FSA: Accepted

Preparation: The Instructions For Use included with your testing kit provides more details about preparing for your test and collecting your sample.

Note: Results of testing with the First To Know® Syphilis Test will likely be positive for individuals previously diagnosed with syphilis, even if they were successfully treated. The First To Know® Syphilis Test cannot determine whether there has been re-infection with syphilis.

What's Tested
  • Syphilis

    This test detects Treponema pallidum (syphilis) antibodies, helping identify syphilis—a common and treatable sexually transmitted infection (STI). If left untreated, syphilis can lead to serious health complications, including damage to the brain, eyes, heart, and liver, and may become life-threatening over time.


  • If you’re sexually active and have symptoms or have had unprotected sex, you should get tested.


    In 2019, there were 129,813 new cases of syphilis reported in the United States. This is a rate of 39.6 cases per 100,000 population. Syphilis is a type of infection that spreads through sex. It starts with a small sore around private parts or in the mouth. Even if you don’t see any sores, it can still be spread. 

  • Syphilis symptoms can be hard to notice and come and go over time. The best way to know if you have syphilis is to get tested. You may not notice symptoms, or you may mistake them for another skin condition such as a pimple or rash. Syphilis occurs in stages:


    Primary Stage: A syphilis sore shows up where the infection entered your body. This is usually on or around your vagina, penis, scrotum, or anus. In rare situations syphilis can appear on your lips or mouth. These sores are very contagious and show up between 3 weeks and 3 months after infection. These sores usually last 3 to 6 weeks and then go away on their own.


    Secondary Stage: Symptoms include rashes on the palms of your hands, soles of your feet or other parts of your body. This rash may be hard to see, and it usually doesn't itch. You may have flu-like symptoms. This can last 2 to 6 weeks at a time and may come and go for up to 2 years. These symptoms will go away by themselves, but until you get treated for syphilis, you'll still have the infection and it can move into the dangerous later stages.


    Late Stage: In between the secondary stage and the late stage, there may be times when your syphilis infection is latent (there are no signs or symptoms at all) for months or even years - but you still need treatment to get rid of it. People who have had syphilis for a long time face serious health problems. Late stages of syphilis can cause tumors, blindness, and paralysis. It can damage your nervous system, brain and other organs, and may even kill you.


    Syphilis can be cured with antibiotics in the early stages. If you get treatment late, it will still cure the infection and stop future damage to your body. But the damage that late stage syphilis has already caused can't be changed or healed. The complications from late stage syphilis can happen 10-20 years after you first get infected.

  • You might have some concerns about your sexual health and what your test result will be. This is normal. By making the decision to learn about your syphilis status you have taken a giant step toward taking control of your future and protecting your health.


    You should know that it can take some time for the test to detect syphilis in your body. This time period can vary from person to person. This time period is commonly referred to as the "window period".


    As with many tests, there is a possibility of a false negative result. It can take 10 to 90 days after being exposed to syphilis for the symptoms to appear. If your test result is negative, but you think you are positive:


    • Retake the test after symptoms appear OR

    • Retake the test within 90 days after possible exposure. Try to avoid sexual contact during this time.


    This will help reduce the possibility of a false negative result.

  • If your test is positive, contact your healthcare provider to confirm your First To Know Syphilis Test result.


    Syphilis can be cured with the right antibiotics. However, treatment will not undo any damage that the infection has already caused.


    After you have received appropriate treatment, syphilis will not recur on its own. However, you can become re-infected if you have sexual contact with someone who has syphilis.

  • Risk of syphilis results from unprotected sexual contact with one or multiple partners who is/are currently infected with syphilis. It is possible for a person to be infected with syphilis without having symptoms (i.e.; "asymptomatic") and still transmit the infection to another. If you are sexually active, doing the following can lower your chances of getting syphilis:


    • Being in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and has negative STI test results.

    • Using latex condoms the right way every time you have sex.

    • Ask your partner if he or she has ever had an STI. It may be awkward, but it's important to have an honest discussion with your partner. People with a history of STIs have a higher risk of infection.

  • Learning that you may have syphilis can be stressful. Remember that you are not alone! Many people and organizations in communities around the world are ready, willing, and able to help you. The key is to ask for help as soon as possible.


    Visit the First To Know website at for help locating counseling and care.


    Call First To Know toll-free at 1-844-207-3370 if you have questions about:


    • Whether the test is right for you

    • How to use the test

    • How to read your result

    • What to do if you are not sure of your result

    • What to do once you have your result

    • How to find healthcare providers for additional testing or treatment options


    All calls are completely confidential.

  • Visit the Labcorp OnDemand® website to browse and purchase laboratory tests and create your Labcorp Patient™ account to view your results. All Labcorp OnDemand testing requires an order from an authorized healthcare professional. For your convenience, Labcorp OnDemand has contracted with independent professional entities (collectively, Providers) to deliver healthcare provider services. Visit a Labcorp location for sample collection; or, if using an at-home collection kit, collect your sample yourself. We’ll let you know when your results are ready and can be accessed through your Labcorp Patient™ account.